AUDIETRUSS® Light Steel Roof Truss

A complete light gauge steel panelization system with Galvanized G550 and Galvalume material. The AUDIETRUSS® system is a complete light gauge steel panelization system which combined the FrameCAD framing layout software with a highly flexible steel.

Hanya AUDIETRUSS® yang memberikan garansi penuh untuk struktur dan bahan proyek anda.

Audie Building Industry

AUDIETRUSS® allows you to efficiently and accurately produce prefrabricated steel frame panels where the accuracy and quality is determined by the system and not the skill level of the assemblers. It provides a complete solution for the design, manufacture, assembly and installation of light gauge steel framing for residential and commercial construction.

CAD Engineering Software

CAD Software allows the top to bottom engineering and detailing of trusses, wall panels and sub-floors. The Software complies with various international building codes and has fully supporting documentation.

This Software is an add-on to CAD and is fully integrated into the AUDIETRUSS® system.

CAD framing layout software can be used either independently of interfaced with 3D Architectural Design Software. The software will enable the Draughtsman to enter details of wall height and openings then will automatically create the framing and trusses layout.

AUDIETRUSS® Benefits & Advantages

  • Umur panjang dan tahan lama
  • Ekonomis waktu, biaya dan bahan
  • Bahan baja mutu tinggi G550
  • Dihitung dengan software CAD Australia
  • Produksi akurat dengan presisi tinggi
  • Bobot yang ringan
  • Tenaga pemasang yang terlatih
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