SHELRASS® Minimalist Style

Perfect for both traditional and contemporary architecture, the tile is built and custom designed to turn away weather’s fiercest assaults. The result: a roofing system that reaches new heights in performance, while showcasing the timeless good looks of a true classic style. This roofing profile perfectly accentents both traditional and contemporary roofing projects with timeless good looks.

Jadikan rumah anda tampil dengan mahkota yang dapat memberikan ke angguan pada bangunan anda.

Audie Building Industry

SHELRASS® stone coated metal roofing tiles are stamped from 3/16 galvalume coated steel — the most workable and durable metal roofing material available, and coated with poured-on acrylic base coats and natural stone chips, and baked on acrylic UV coatings. This unique process creates the most durable and attractive tile roofing material available anywhere.

SHELRASS® Available Tile Colors

The below images were photographed on automatic settings under natural sunlight. Depending on the levels of outdoor light, our natural stone chip coatings reflect varying levels of light and color intensity.

Dark Grey


SHELRASS® Technical Data

Ukuran Total Ukuran Terpakai Satu Lembar Quality
91 x 63 cm 86 x 57 cm 2 x 4 Daun Metal Tiles

SHELRASS® Roof Weight Specification

GT. Shelrass Double TB3 1.22 2.54
GT. Shelrass Double TB1 1.5 3.11
GT. Shelrass Double KS 1.81 3.76
Rabung Bulat 0.35
Rabung Panjang 0.55
Rabung BBC 0.5
Rabung Side Flashing 0.5
PAKU SS 2" : 1 Kg = 330 bh

SHELRASS® Materials

Lapisan genteng metal STEELSTONE®:

  • Metal
  • Zinc coating (Galvalume / galvanis berfungsi sebagai anti karat)
  • Acousting Emulsion (Redam suara dan merekatkan batu chip stone pada metal)
  • Metal
  • Zinc coating (Galvalume / galvanis berfungsi sebagai anti karat)
  • Stone Chip (Batu Chip Stone untuk meredam panas, dengan warna batu alami)
  • Arylic Finishing Coating (Merekatkan batu chip stone pada metal dan anti jamur)

Dengan lapisan-lapisan unggul, Steelstone tahan terhadap karat, lumut, jamur dan anti bocor.

SHELRASS® Benefits & Advantages

  • Tampilan lebih indah meningkatkan nilai investasi anda dengan gaya minimalis modern
  • Kuat, anti lumut dan anti bocor
  • Ringan, mudah dipasang
  • Sistem peredam suara dan panas
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